„Simply business”

Business seminar on focus in Nigeria and Ethiopia

Featured News // 2017.12.07

On Tuesday, 5 September 2017, a business event entitled "Business Seminar Africa - Focus on Nigeria and Ethiopia" was organized at the headquarters of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) at the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK). The seminar was of great interest as the participants filled the conference room of MKIK Baross, which is a good indication that many Hungarian companies can offer an excellent opportunity for Africa and the appearance of the two countries in the subject. Within the ancient continent, it is also a prominent part of the Hungarian economy, which is one of the most populous African countries, Nigeria and the traditionally good relationship with Ethiopia.


The event was opened by Sándor Balogh, President of the Hungarian-Africa Society (AHU), who said that we can now regard Africa as the future continent. He said that the existence of the Hungarian-Africa Society has always been striving to bring the Hungarian people closer to this approach and highlighted the activities of the Hungarian Trade and Cultural Centers (HTCC), since the latter also strengthened these relations and improved opportunities exploitation.


Following the opening speech, Márk Horváth, Head of Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs (KKM), talked about the economic features of West and East Africa, highlighting the sectors in which Hungarian companies can have a good chance of entry,market penetration


Further, Prof. Ternák Gábor Nigerian and SágiGábor Ethiopian Ambassadors have been given the opportunity to showcase their positions in their lectures, firsthand on their official missions, everyday challenges and African realities. They called attention to the indispensability of personal relationships and physical presence and said that in many cases persistence is needed for success, but the money and energy invested in Africa can return much more quickly.

The lecture series was closed by a general presentation by EXIM Bank's Deputy General Manager, Dr. Némedi-VargaSzilvia, who outlined the financing options and the risk assumptions for the two countries.
Speakers spoke cautiously but still more firmly involved in the presentation of all presenters, highlighting the potential of the two countries and the African continent. They also called attention to the fact that, in addition to Chinese presence and colonial relations, we are talking about a much more "sluggish" terrain and this is in the interest of Hungarian companies to recognize as soon as possible.
