HTCC Botswana

Useful informations
Botswana is a positive example of the African countries. Far from the tribal leaders, civil wars, riots. It is an attraction for its visitors with its marvelous landscapes and wildlife. The local residents are nice and friendly. Over the past few years, Botswana has been developing fast, simultantly with other African countries.
Form of Government: republic
Head of State and Government: Ian Khama (2008)
Independent from: September 30, 1966 (from the United Kingdom)
Area: 581 730 km²
Population: 2 155 784 people
Ethnic composition: cvana 79%, consisting of 8 strains; The largest is the ngvato (38%)
Language: official language: English, other spoken languages: setwana
Religion: Christian 71%, Badimo 6%, Religious 20%, Other 2%
Capital City: Gaborone
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): USD 34 billion, per capita: USD 16,000
Currency: Botswana Pula (BWP) - 1 BWP = 28.35 HUF

After the independence of the country it showed massive economic growth, followed by a huge downturn. As a result, Botswana is today one of the poorest nations in the world. There is an outstanding huge number of HIV infected people compared to the population. Moreover there is a great poverty and lack of education. As a result, the country is unable to show sustainable economic growth. Thanks to the diamond industry, the per capita GDP ratio is relatively high in Africa. All in all, a very small percentage of the population hasgot benefit bythis industry. The country's main income is comes from the service sector (about 52%), followed by industry (about 46%), the remaining 2% is agriculture. There is a great need to invest to infrastructures (road construction, water and communication networks).
The country is located on the South African plateau, which indicates a significant influence on its climate. There are two seasons: the rainy season from October to March and the dry season between May and September. During the transitional periods the temperature is often above 35 degrees Celsius. 80% of Botswana is made up of the Kalahari desert. In the North, the Okavango delta supplies the animals with fresh water every season of the year. The great wildlife of Africa can be found here. 37% of the country is occupied by national parks and wildlife conservation areas.
Botswana is highly developed from touristic aspect. Due to its nature conservation areas and wildlife reserves, many tourists visits the country. Guests can choose from a wide scale of accommodations, from the nomad tent to the five-star hotel. Many safari parks offers a lifetime experience, however, the entrance fee usually quite expensive but this probably will not dissuade the visitors.
Touristic destination:
• Okavango delta
• River Chobe
• Central Kalahari
• The Victoria Falls
• Makgadikgadi plateau